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How do I withdraw my staked Lido ETH?

In order to withdraw your staked Lido ETH, you must first unlock your staked ETH.

To do this, you will need to open the Lido Staking Dashboard and click on the “Unlock” button. This will open a window where you can enter the amount of ETH you wish to unlock. Once you have entered the amount, click “Unlock” again and confirm the transaction.

Once your ETH has been unlocked, you can then withdraw it from your wallet. To do this, open your wallet and select the “Send” tab. Enter the address of the wallet that you wish to send your ETH to and enter the amount of ETH that you wish to withdraw.

Once you have entered all of this information, click “Send” and confirm the transaction. Your Lido ETH should now be in your wallet and ready for withdrawal!

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