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What is Lido Staked Ether (Lido ETH)?

Lido Staked Ether (Lido ETH) is a decentralized, open-source protocol that enables users to stake their Ether (ETH) in order to earn rewards.

It is built on the Ethereum blockchain and uses a novel staking mechanism called "Proof of Stake with Delegated Proof of Stake" (DPoS). The Lido ETH protocol allows users to stake their ETH in order to earn rewards. The rewards are generated from the fees collected from transactions on the Ethereum network.

When users stake their ETH, they are rewarded with Lido tokens which can be used for various purposes such as paying transaction fees or participating in governance decisions. The Lido ETH protocol also provides a secure and reliable way for users to store their Ether. By staking their Ether, users can ensure that their funds are safe and secure while earning rewards at the same time.

Additionally, the protocol also provides a platform for developers to build applications on top of it. This allows developers to create new applications and services that leverage the power of Ethereum and its underlying technology.

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