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What are the benefits of staking Lido ETH?

The benefits of staking Lido ETH are numerous.

Firstly, staking Lido ETH allows users to earn rewards in the form of ETH and other tokens. This is done by locking up their ETH in a smart contract, which then earns rewards for them over time. Secondly, staking Lido ETH also provides users with an additional layer of security for their funds.

By locking up their funds in a smart contract, users can be sure that their funds are safe from malicious actors or hacks. Thirdly, staking Lido ETH also allows users to participate in governance decisions related to the project. This means that they can have a say in how the project is run and how it evolves over time.

Finally, staking Lido ETH also provides users with access to exclusive features such as early access to new products and services, discounts on fees, and more.

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