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Are there any restrictions on who can stake or delegate their Lido ETH?

Yes, there are restrictions on who can stake or delegate their Lido ETH.

In order to be eligible to stake or delegate Lido ETH, users must meet the following criteria: 1. Users must have a valid Ethereum address and be able to sign transactions with it. 2.

Users must have a minimum of 0.1 ETH in their wallet to be eligible for staking or delegating. 3.

Users must have an active Ethereum node running on their computer in order to participate in the staking process. 4. Users must be aware of the risks associated with staking and delegating Lido ETH, including but not limited to the risk of losing funds due to technical issues or malicious actors.

5. Users must agree to abide by all applicable laws and regulations related to their participation in the Lido Staked Ether project, including but not limited to tax laws and anti-money laundering regulations.

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