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Can I use my existing cryptocurrency wallet to store myOKBTokens ?

Yes, you can use your existing cryptocurrency wallet to store your OKB tokens.

However, it is important to note that not all wallets are compatible with the OKB token. Therefore, it is important to check the compatibility of your wallet before attempting to store your OKB tokens. If you are using a wallet that is not compatible with the OKB token, then you will need to create a new wallet that is compatible with the OKB token.

This can be done by downloading a wallet from the official website of the OKB project or by using an exchange that supports the OKB token. Once you have created a compatible wallet, you can then transfer your existing cryptocurrency into it and then transfer your OKB tokens into it as well. It is also important to note that when storing any type of cryptocurrency, including OKB tokens, it is always best practice to keep them in a secure and private wallet.

This means that you should never leave them on an exchange or online service as they could be vulnerable to theft or hacking attempts.

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