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Does holding an amount of OKB tokens entitle me to any voting rights on the platform’s decisions and policies?

Yes, holding an amount of OKB tokens does entitle you to voting rights on the platform’s decisions and policies.

The OKB token is the native token of the OKEx platform, and it is used to access various features and services on the platform. As a holder of OKB tokens, you are entitled to voting rights on various decisions and policies that are proposed by the platform. This includes voting on proposals for new features, changes to existing features, or changes to the platform’s rules and regulations.

The voting process is conducted through a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) system. This system allows holders of OKB tokens to cast their votes in a secure and transparent manner. The DAO system also ensures that all votes are counted accurately and fairly.

The voting process is open to all holders of OKB tokens, regardless of their amount held or geographical location. All votes are weighted equally, so each vote carries equal weight regardless of how many tokens a voter holds. In addition to voting rights, holding an amount of OKB tokens also entitles you to other benefits such as discounts on trading fees, access to exclusive events and promotions, and more.

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