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What are the benefits of using OKB?

OKB is a utility token issued by the OK Blockchain Foundation, a non-profit organization established in Singapore.

The OKB token is used to pay for services and products within the OKEx ecosystem, such as trading fees, listing fees, and more. The main benefits of using OKB are: 1. Lower Trading Fees: By holding a certain amount of OKB tokens in your account, you can receive discounts on trading fees when trading on the OKEx platform.

This can help you save money when trading digital assets. 2. Access to Exclusive Services: Holding a certain amount of OKB tokens also gives you access to exclusive services such as priority customer service and early access to new products and services.

3. Staking Rewards: You can also earn rewards by staking your OKB tokens in the staking pool on the platform. This allows you to earn passive income from your holdings without having to actively trade or manage your portfolio.

4. Diversification: By holding a variety of digital assets, including OKB tokens, you can diversify your portfolio and reduce risk while still having exposure to potential growth opportunities in the crypto space. 5.

Liquidity: As one of the most widely traded digital assets on the market, OKB tokens provide investors with increased liquidity compared to other digital assets that may be more difficult to buy or sell quickly due to low liquidity or lack of market depth.

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