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What are some potential uses forOKBTokens ?

OKB tokens are the native utility token of the OKEx cryptocurrency exchange.

They can be used for a variety of purposes, including: 1. Trading Fees: OKB tokens can be used to pay for trading fees on the OKEx platform, providing users with a discount of up to 50%. 2.

Staking Rewards: Users who stake their OKB tokens on the platform will receive rewards in the form of additional tokens. 3. Airdrops: OKEx regularly airdrops additional tokens to holders of OKB, providing them with additional rewards for holding their tokens.

4. Voting Rights: Holders of OKB can vote on important decisions related to the platform, such as listing new coins or making changes to existing features. 5.

Investment Opportunities: The value of OKB is closely tied to the success of the OKEx platform, so holding it can provide investors with an opportunity to benefit from its growth and success. 6. Access to Services: Holders of OKB may have access to exclusive services and products offered by OKEx, such as special discounts or priority customer support.

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