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Is there a way to track my transactions and holdings in real-time with OKB tokens?

Yes, there is a way to track your transactions and holdings in real-time with OKB tokens.

The OKB project has developed a comprehensive tracking system that allows users to view their holdings and transactions in real-time. This system is called the OKEx Chain Explorer. The OKEx Chain Explorer is an open source blockchain explorer that provides users with detailed information about their transactions and holdings.

It also allows users to view the current status of their tokens, including the total amount of tokens held, the current market price, and other relevant data. The explorer also provides users with a visual representation of their holdings, allowing them to easily identify which tokens they own and how much they are worth. In addition to providing real-time tracking of transactions and holdings, the OKEx Chain Explorer also provides users with access to detailed analytics about their portfolio performance.

This includes information such as the total value of all assets held by a user, the total number of trades made over time, and more. Overall, the OKEx Chain Explorer is an invaluable tool for any user who wants to track their transactions and holdings in real-time with OKB tokens. With its comprehensive tracking system and detailed analytics capabilities, it provides users with all the information they need to make informed decisions about their investments.

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