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Is there a way to participate in governance decisions related to near ?

Yes, there is a way to participate in governance decisions related to Near.

Near is a decentralized application platform that is powered by a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. This means that anyone who holds the native token, NEAR, can become a validator and participate in the network’s governance. Validators are responsible for verifying transactions and maintaining the network’s security.

They are also responsible for voting on proposals that are submitted by the community. Validators can vote on proposals such as changes to the protocol, new features, or bug fixes. In addition to validators, anyone who holds NEAR tokens can also participate in governance decisions by staking their tokens on specific proposals.

This allows users to express their opinion on certain topics without having to become a validator themselves. Finally, Near has an active community of developers and users who discuss and debate various topics related to the project. These discussions often lead to proposals being submitted for consideration by validators and token holders alike.

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