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Does near have any partnerships or collaborations with other projects or companies in the space ?

Yes, Near has several partnerships and collaborations with other projects and companies in the space.

Near has partnered with a number of projects and companies, including: -Chainlink: Near is collaborating with Chainlink to provide secure and reliable data to its decentralized applications. -Aave: Near is partnering with Aave to provide a bridge between the Ethereum and Near Protocols. This will allow users to move assets between the two protocols.

-Binance Smart Chain: Near is partnering with Binance Smart Chain to enable cross-chain transfers of assets between the two protocols. -Kraken: Near is partnering with Kraken to enable users to purchase NFTs directly from their Kraken account. -Torus: Near is collaborating with Torus to enable users to securely log into their accounts using their existing social media accounts such as Google, Facebook, or Twitter.

-Coinbase Wallet: Near is partnering with Coinbase Wallet to enable users to securely store their NFTs on Coinbase Wallet. These are just some of the partnerships that Near has established in order to expand its reach and create more opportunities for its users.

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