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What is the token economics of Near?

Near is a decentralized application platform built on top of a sharded proof-of-stake blockchain.

The token economics of Near are designed to incentivize users to participate in the network and ensure its long-term sustainability. The Near token (NEAR) is the native asset of the Near protocol and is used to pay for transaction fees, staking rewards, and governance decisions. NEAR tokens are distributed through a combination of mining, staking, and airdrops.

Mining: Mining rewards are given to validators who secure the network by verifying transactions and blocks. The amount of rewards received depends on the amount of NEAR tokens staked by the validator. Staking: Staking rewards are given to holders who stake their NEAR tokens in order to secure the network.

The amount of rewards received depends on the amount of NEAR tokens staked by the holder. Airdrops: Airdrops are given periodically to holders who have held their NEAR tokens for a certain period of time. The amount of rewards received depends on the amount of NEAR tokens held by the holder at the time of each airdrop.

The token economics of Near are designed to ensure that users have an incentive to participate in the network and help it grow over time. By providing incentives for users to stake their tokens, hold them for long periods, and mine new blocks, Near ensures that its network remains secure and sustainable in the long run.

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