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Are there any other ways to earn rewards on the network besides staking and mining ?

Yes, there are other ways to earn rewards on the Helium network besides staking and mining.

These include running a Hotspot, providing coverage to the network, and participating in the Helium Community Fund. Running a Hotspot is one of the most popular ways to earn rewards on the Helium network. Hotspots are devices that broadcast a wireless signal that allows users to connect to the Helium blockchain.

When users connect to a Hotspot, they pay a small fee in HNT tokens which is then split between the Hotspot owner and the miners who process their transactions. This is an easy way for anyone with an internet connection to earn rewards from the Helium network. Providing coverage to the network is another way to earn rewards on Helium.

Coverage providers are responsible for maintaining and expanding coverage of the Helium blockchain by setting up additional Hotspots or relocating existing ones. Coverage providers are rewarded with HNT tokens for their efforts in helping expand and maintain coverage of the network. Finally, participating in the Helium Community Fund is another way to earn rewards on Helium.

The Community Fund is a pool of funds set aside by developers and other members of the community that can be used for various projects related to improving or expanding upon existing features of the platform. Participants can submit proposals for projects they would like funded and if approved, they will receive HNT tokens as payment for their work.

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