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What are smart contracts and how do they work on the Helium Network ?

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that are written in code and stored on a blockchain.

They are designed to automatically execute when certain conditions are met, allowing for the transfer of digital assets or other actions to be carried out without the need for a third party. On the Helium Network, smart contracts are used to facilitate transactions between users and devices on the network. Smart contracts enable users to securely store data, transfer digital assets, and interact with other devices on the network.

They also allow developers to create applications that can interact with the Helium Network in a secure and automated way. Smart contracts on the Helium Network are written in Solidity, an Ethereum-based programming language. This allows developers to create custom applications that can interact with the network and execute transactions securely and efficiently.

The code is stored on a distributed ledger, which is secured by cryptography and consensus algorithms. This ensures that all transactions are secure and immutable, providing users with peace of mind when using smart contracts on the Helium Network.

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