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How do I buy and sell tokens on the Helium network?

To buy and sell tokens on the Helium network, you must first become a member of the Helium Network.

This can be done by downloading the Helium app and creating an account. Once you have created an account, you will need to purchase HNT (Helium Network Tokens) from an exchange such as Binance or Coinbase. Once you have purchased HNT, you can use it to purchase other tokens on the Helium network.

To do this, open the Helium app and select “Buy/Sell” from the main menu. You will then be able to select which token you would like to buy or sell and enter the amount of HNT that you would like to use for your transaction. Once your transaction is complete, your new tokens will be added to your wallet in the Helium app.

You can then use these tokens for various activities on the network such as sending payments or participating in smart contracts. If you would like to sell any of your tokens, simply open up the “Buy/Sell” page again and select which token you would like to sell and enter how much of it you would like to sell. Once your transaction is complete, your HNT balance will be updated with the amount that was sold.

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