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What is the tokenomics of Helium?

The tokenomics of Helium is a complex system that is designed to incentivize the network and its participants.

The Helium Token (HNT) is the native token of the Helium Network and serves as a medium of exchange, a store of value, and a unit of account. The tokenomics of Helium are designed to reward network participants for their contributions to the network. The HNT token is used to pay for access to the network, incentivize miners, and reward Hotspot owners for providing coverage.

Hotspot owners are rewarded with HNT tokens for providing coverage in their area. The amount of HNT tokens they receive depends on how much coverage they provide and how many users are connected to their Hotspot. Miners are rewarded with HNT tokens for verifying transactions on the blockchain.

The amount of HNT tokens they receive depends on how much computing power they contribute to the network. The total supply of HNT tokens is fixed at 10 billion, with no additional tokens being created or destroyed. A portion of these tokens are held by the Helium Foundation, which uses them to fund development projects and other initiatives that benefit the network.

The tokenomics of Helium are designed to create an efficient and secure network that rewards its participants for their contributions while also ensuring that all users have access to reliable coverage at an affordable price.

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