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What is Helium?

Helium is a decentralized blockchain-based network that enables the secure transfer of data and value between connected devices.

It is designed to enable the development of Internet of Things (IoT) applications, allowing for secure communication and data transfer between connected devices. The Helium network consists of two main components: the Helium blockchain and the Helium Hotspot. The Helium blockchain is a distributed ledger that stores all transactions on the network, allowing for secure and immutable data storage.

It also provides a platform for developers to build applications on top of it, enabling them to create innovative products and services that leverage the power of distributed ledger technology. The Helium Hotspot is a device that acts as an access point for devices to connect to the Helium network. It allows users to securely send and receive data over long distances, while also providing access to the blockchain.

The Hotspot also serves as a mining node, allowing users to earn rewards in exchange for verifying transactions on the network. In addition, Helium has developed its own cryptocurrency called HNT (Helium Network Token). HNT is used as an incentive for users who contribute resources such as bandwidth or storage space to the network.

It can also be used as a medium of exchange within applications built on top of the Helium platform.

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