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How do I create my own subgraph on the graph ?

Creating your own subgraph on The Graph is a straightforward process.

First, you will need to create an account on The Graph’s website. Once you have done this, you can then begin the process of creating your own subgraph. The first step is to create a GraphQL schema that defines the data structure of your subgraph.

This schema should include all the fields and types that you want to be able to query from your subgraph. Once you have created this schema, you can then deploy it to The Graph’s network using the command line interface (CLI). Once your schema has been deployed, you can then start indexing data into your subgraph.

This is done by writing a mapping script that will take data from an external source and map it into the fields defined in your GraphQL schema. You can use either JavaScript or Solidity for this mapping script. Once the mapping script has been written and deployed, The Graph will begin indexing data into your subgraph automatically.

You can then query this data using GraphQL queries and get results in real-time. Finally, once your subgraph is up and running, you can monetize it by setting up fees for queries made against it. This allows developers who use your subgraph to pay for its usage in ETH or GRT tokens.

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