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What is the token economics of The Graph?

The Graph is a decentralized protocol for indexing and querying data from blockchains and storage networks.

The Graph has its own native token, GRT, which is used to incentivize network participants who provide the necessary resources to power the network. GRT is used to pay for query fees, reward indexers for their work, and incentivize curators who help maintain the quality of the data on The Graph. GRT is also used to reward developers who build applications on top of The Graph.

The token economics of The Graph are designed to ensure that the network remains secure and efficient. Indexers are rewarded with GRT for providing their computing resources to process queries and store data. Curators are rewarded with GRT for helping maintain the quality of the data on The Graph by verifying its accuracy and completeness.

Developers are rewarded with GRT for building applications on top of The Graph that use its data. The token economics of The Graph also include a staking mechanism that allows users to stake their tokens in order to earn rewards in return. Stakers receive rewards in proportion to how much they have staked, as well as a portion of query fees generated by applications built on top of The Graph.

This staking mechanism helps ensure that users have an incentive to contribute resources to the network and keep it secure and efficient.

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