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What is the purpose of Lido DAO?

The purpose of Lido DAO is to provide a decentralized platform for staking and governance of the Ethereum 2.

0 network. It is designed to be a self-sustaining, community-driven organization that will help ensure the long-term success of Ethereum 2.0.

Lido DAO will enable users to stake their ETH and receive rewards in return, while also allowing them to participate in the governance of the network. The platform will provide users with an easy way to track their staking rewards, as well as access to voting rights on important decisions related to the network. Additionally, Lido DAO will allow users to earn additional rewards through participating in various activities such as bug bounties and liquidity mining.

By providing a secure and transparent platform for staking and governance, Lido DAO aims to create an environment where users can safely participate in the Ethereum 2.0 network without having to worry about security or trust issues. This will help ensure that Ethereum 2.

0 remains a secure and reliable platform for developers and users alike.

AI created text. No guarantee for the correctness of the content.

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