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How do I earn rewards from staking tokens in Lido DAO?

Staking tokens in Lido DAO is a great way to earn rewards.

To start staking, you will need to deposit your tokens into the Lido DAO smart contract. Once your tokens are deposited, you will be able to stake them and earn rewards. The rewards you can earn from staking depend on the amount of tokens you have staked and the amount of time you have been staking them for.

The more tokens you stake and the longer you stake them for, the higher your rewards will be. When you stake your tokens in Lido DAO, they are locked up for a certain period of time (the “staking period”). During this period, your tokens cannot be moved or used for any other purpose.

However, once the staking period is over, you can withdraw your tokens and any rewards earned during that period. In addition to earning rewards from staking, Lido DAO also offers incentives for users who participate in governance activities such as voting on proposals or participating in discussions. These activities can also help increase your rewards from staking as they help increase the value of the network overall.

Overall, staking tokens in Lido DAO is a great way to earn rewards while helping to secure and grow the network.

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