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How can I get involved in Lido DAO?

Getting involved in Lido DAO is easy and straightforward.

The first step is to purchase Lido tokens (LDO) on an exchange such as Uniswap or Balancer. Once you have acquired the tokens, you can join the Lido DAO by staking them in the governance portal. This will give you voting rights in the DAO and allow you to participate in decisions that affect the future of the project.

You can also get involved by contributing to development, marketing, or other areas of the project. You can join the community on Discord or Telegram and offer your skills and expertise to help move the project forward. Additionally, you can become a validator for Lido’s staking network and earn rewards for helping secure it.

Finally, you can join the Lido Ambassador Program and help spread awareness about the project in your local community or online.

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