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Are there any restrictions on what type of content can be created within the platform such as adult content or gambling activities?

Decentraland is a decentralized virtual world built on the Ethereum blockchain.

As such, it is an open platform where anyone can create content and applications. However, Decentraland does have some restrictions on what type of content can be created within the platform. Adult content and gambling activities are not allowed in Decentraland.

This is because Decentraland is a family-friendly environment and these activities are not in line with its values. Additionally, these activities may be illegal in certain jurisdictions, so they are prohibited to ensure compliance with applicable laws. Decentraland also has a code of conduct that all users must adhere to when creating content or applications within the platform.

This code of conduct includes rules about appropriate language, behavior, and respect for other users’ rights and privacy. Any content or applications that violate this code of conduct will be removed from the platform.

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