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How do I purchase LAND tokens?

In order to purchase LAND tokens, you must first create an Ethereum wallet.

This can be done through a variety of different platforms, such as MetaMask, MyEtherWallet, or Coinbase Wallet. Once you have created your wallet, you will need to purchase some Ether (ETH) in order to pay for the LAND tokens. You can purchase ETH from a variety of different exchanges, such as Coinbase or Binance.

Once you have purchased your ETH, you will need to transfer it to your Ethereum wallet. Once the ETH is in your wallet, you can then use it to purchase LAND tokens from Decentraland’s marketplace. You can also purchase LAND tokens from a variety of other exchanges that list them, such as Binance or KuCoin.

Once you have purchased the LAND tokens, they will be stored in your Ethereum wallet and can be used for various activities within Decentraland’s virtual world.

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