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What is the MANA token?

The MANA token is the native cryptocurrency of the Decentraland platform.

It is an ERC-20 token built on the Ethereum blockchain and is used to purchase land and other goods and services within the Decentraland virtual world. The MANA token was created to facilitate transactions within Decentraland, allowing users to buy, sell, and trade virtual land parcels, as well as purchase items from stores in the virtual world. The MANA token has a total supply of 2.

6 billion tokens, with a circulating supply of 1.4 billion tokens. The MANA token can be purchased on various cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance, Huobi Global, OKEx, and more.

It can also be stored in any ERC-20 compatible wallet such as MetaMask or MyEtherWallet. The value of the MANA token is determined by market forces such as supply and demand. As more people join Decentraland and use the MANA token for transactions, its value will likely increase over time.

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