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How do I earn rewards from liquidity mining with CRV tokens?

Liquidity mining with CRV tokens is a way to earn rewards for providing liquidity to the Curve DAO Token (CRV) protocol.

When you provide liquidity to the protocol, you are rewarded with CRV tokens. To provide liquidity, you must first deposit your funds into a Curve pool. You can do this by sending your funds to a specific address associated with the pool.

Once your funds are in the pool, they will be locked up and used to provide liquidity for trading pairs on the Curve protocol. Once your funds are in the pool, you will start earning rewards in CRV tokens. The amount of rewards you earn depends on how much liquidity you have provided and how long it has been in the pool.

The more liquidity you provide, and the longer it is in the pool, the more rewards you will earn. You can also earn additional rewards by staking your CRV tokens. When you stake your CRV tokens, they are locked up and used to help secure the Curve protocol.

In return for staking your tokens, you will receive additional rewards in CRV tokens. By providing liquidity and staking your CRV tokens, you can earn rewards from liquidity mining with CRV tokens.

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