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What are the rewards for staking CRV tokens?

Staking CRV tokens is a way for users to earn rewards for helping to secure the Curve DAO Token network.

Stakers are rewarded with a portion of the fees generated by the Curve DAO Token protocol. These rewards are distributed in two ways: 1. The first way is through a fixed reward pool, which is funded by a portion of the fees generated by the protocol.

This reward pool is split among all stakers, proportional to their stake. This means that the more CRV tokens you stake, the more rewards you will receive from this pool. 2.

The second way is through an inflationary reward pool, which is funded by newly minted CRV tokens. This reward pool is also split among all stakers, proportional to their stake. This means that as more CRV tokens are minted, stakers will receive an increasing share of these rewards over time.

In addition to these rewards, staking CRV tokens also gives users voting rights on proposals submitted to the Curve DAO Token governance system. This allows them to have a say in how the protocol develops and evolves over time.

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