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What kind of governance model does CurveDAO use to make decisions about its protocol and projects built on top of it ?

CurveDAO uses a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) governance model to make decisions about its protocol and projects built on top of it.

This model is based on the concept of token holders having voting rights, which are proportional to their holdings. The voting process is conducted through a series of smart contracts that are programmed to execute certain actions based on the results of the vote. The CurveDAO governance model consists of three main components: 1.

The Curve Protocol: This is the underlying protocol that governs how the CurveDAO works and how it interacts with other protocols and projects built on top of it. It is designed to be highly secure, transparent, and decentralized. 2.

The Curve Token: This is the native token used for voting in the DAO. It also serves as a medium of exchange between users and projects built on top of the Curve Protocol. 3.

The Governance System: This system consists of a series of smart contracts that are programmed to execute certain actions based on the results of votes taken by token holders. These actions can include approving or rejecting proposals, setting parameters for new projects, or changing existing parameters within existing projects. The goal of this governance model is to create an efficient and secure system for making decisions about the protocol and projects built on top of it in a decentralized manner.

By allowing token holders to vote on proposals, they can ensure that their interests are represented in any decisions made by the DAO.

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