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Is there a roadmap for future development of Chainlink?

Yes, there is a roadmap for future development of Chainlink.

The roadmap outlines the major milestones and objectives that the Chainlink team is working towards. The current roadmap includes: 1. Increasing adoption of Chainlink by partnering with more organizations and building out the network of nodes to increase reliability and scalability.

2. Developing new features and tools to make it easier for developers to use Chainlink in their applications. 3.

Improving security by implementing new security protocols and audits to ensure that the network remains secure and reliable. 4. Enhancing usability by making it easier for users to interact with the network, such as through mobile wallets, web interfaces, and other user-friendly tools.

5. Growing the community by engaging with developers, businesses, and users to ensure that Chainlink remains a vibrant ecosystem for all participants. 6.

Expanding the use cases of Chainlink by exploring new applications of its technology in various industries such as finance, healthcare, insurance, gaming, etc. 7. Developing new oracles to provide data from different sources into smart contracts on the blockchain in a secure manner.

8. Integrating with other blockchains such as Ethereum 2.0 or Polkadot in order to provide interoperability between different networks and enable cross-chain transactions between them securely and reliably using Chainlink’s technology stack

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