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How do I set up a node on the Chainlink network?

Setting up a node on the Chainlink network is a relatively straightforward process.

First, you will need to create an account on the Chainlink website. Once your account is created, you will need to download and install the Chainlink node software. This software will allow you to connect to the Chainlink network and begin running your node.

Once the software is installed, you will need to configure your node with your account information and other settings. This includes setting up your wallet address, which is used for receiving payments from the network for providing services. You will also need to set up a secure connection between your node and the rest of the network.

This can be done using either an SSH tunnel or a VPN connection. Once your node is configured, you can start it up and begin providing services on the Chainlink network. You can do this by creating jobs that require data from external sources or by providing oracles that provide data from external sources to smart contracts on Ethereum or other blockchains.

As you provide services, you will earn LINK tokens as payment for those services.

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