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Who are some of the partners working with Chainlink?

Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that provides real-world data to smart contracts on the blockchain.

It has established partnerships with some of the world’s leading companies, including Google Cloud, Oracle, SWIFT, and Web3 Labs. Google Cloud: Chainlink is integrated with Google Cloud to provide secure and reliable access to off-chain data sources. This partnership allows developers to easily connect their smart contracts to external data sources.

Oracle: Chainlink has partnered with Oracle to provide a secure and reliable connection between on-chain and off-chain data sources. This partnership allows developers to use Oracle’s cloud services for their smart contract applications. SWIFT: Chainlink has partnered with SWIFT, the global payments network, to provide access to real-time financial data for smart contracts.

This partnership allows developers to use SWIFT’s financial messaging services for their applications. Web3 Labs: Chainlink has partnered with Web3 Labs, a blockchain development company, to provide access to its oracle network for developers building on Ethereum. This partnership allows developers to easily connect their applications with external data sources using Chainlink’s oracle network.

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