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Are there any restrictions on who can use or trade in cDAI tokens and if so what are they?

Yes, there are restrictions on who can use or trade in cDAI tokens.

The first restriction is that users must have a MetaMask wallet to be able to interact with the cDAI tokens. This is because cDAI tokens are an ERC-20 token, meaning they are built on the Ethereum blockchain and require a wallet that supports Ethereum-based tokens. The second restriction is that users must have access to a decentralized exchange (DEX) that supports cDAI tokens.

This is because cDAI tokens are not listed on any centralized exchanges, so users must use a DEX to buy and sell them. The third restriction is that users must have enough Ether (ETH) in their wallets to pay for gas fees associated with transactions involving cDAI tokens. This is because all transactions on the Ethereum blockchain require gas fees, which are paid in ETH.

Finally, users must also be aware of any applicable laws or regulations regarding the purchase and sale of digital assets in their jurisdiction before trading in cDAI tokens.

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