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What are the fees associated with using cDAI?

The fees associated with using cDAI depend on the type of transaction being made.

For deposits, there is a 0.5% fee that is taken from the deposited amount and sent to the cDAI contract. This fee is used to cover the cost of running the protocol and is used to incentivize users to provide liquidity.

For withdrawals, there is a 0.5% fee that is taken from the withdrawn amount and sent to the cDAI contract. This fee is also used to cover the cost of running the protocol and incentivize users to provide liquidity.

When trading cDAI, there are two types of fees: maker fees and taker fees. Maker fees are paid by traders who place orders on the order book, while taker fees are paid by traders who take orders from the order book. Maker fees are generally lower than taker fees, as they incentivize users to provide liquidity in order books.

The exact amount of maker and taker fees varies depending on which exchange you use for trading cDAI tokens. Finally, when transferring cDAI tokens between wallets or exchanges, there may be additional network transaction fees associated with moving funds around on Ethereum’s blockchain network (e.g.

, gas costs). These network transaction fees vary depending on network congestion levels at any given time and can be quite high during periods of high demand for Ethereum transactions (e.g.

, during an ICO).

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