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Are there any rewards for holding STX tokens?

Yes, there are rewards for holding STX tokens.

The Stacks blockchain uses a proof-of-transfer consensus mechanism, which rewards miners and token holders for their contributions to the network. Miners are rewarded with newly minted STX tokens for verifying transactions and adding new blocks to the blockchain. Token holders are rewarded with a portion of the newly minted STX tokens as well as transaction fees collected by miners.

The Stacks 2.0 upgrade also introduced a new reward system called “Proof-of-Transfer” (PoX). This system allows token holders to stake their STX tokens in order to earn additional rewards in the form of BTC and other digital assets.

This is done by participating in “mining pools”, where miners and token holders can pool their resources together in order to increase their chances of earning rewards. In addition, Stacks also has an incentive program called “Stacking” which allows users to earn additional rewards for holding STX tokens over a certain period of time. The longer you hold your STX tokens, the more rewards you can earn.

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