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How does mining work on Zilliqa and what type of hardware is required for it?

Mining on Zilliqa works differently than on other blockchains.

Instead of using a proof-of-work (PoW) consensus algorithm, Zilliqa uses a practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (pBFT) consensus algorithm. This means that miners are not rewarded for solving complex mathematical puzzles, but instead for validating transactions and blocks. In order to mine on Zilliqa, miners must join a mining pool and run the Zilliqa software on their computer.

The software is open source and can be downloaded from the official website. The hardware requirements for mining on Zilliqa are relatively low compared to other blockchains. A miner only needs a computer with at least 4GB of RAM and an internet connection in order to start mining.

It is also recommended that miners have a GPU or ASIC in order to maximize their hash rate and increase their chances of earning rewards.

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