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How secure is the network and what measures are taken to protect it from malicious actors?

The Zilliqa network is designed to be highly secure and resistant to malicious actors.

The network utilizes a hybrid consensus mechanism that combines both Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT). This hybrid consensus mechanism ensures that the network is secure against double spending, Sybil attacks, and other malicious activities. In addition, the Zilliqa network utilizes a sharding protocol which allows it to scale up its transaction throughput while maintaining its security.

The sharding protocol divides the network into multiple shards, each of which processes transactions in parallel. This ensures that the network can process more transactions without compromising its security. Furthermore, the Zilliqa network also utilizes a Secure Data Layer (SDL) which provides an additional layer of security for data stored on the blockchain.

The SDL uses cryptographic techniques such as encryption and digital signatures to ensure that data stored on the blockchain is secure from malicious actors. Finally, the Zilliqa team has also implemented several measures to protect users from malicious actors such as phishing attacks and malware. These measures include two-factor authentication, anti-phishing protection, and regular security audits of all codebases used by the project.

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