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Is there a way to track transactions and balances on the network?

Yes, there is a way to track transactions and balances on the Theta Network.

The Theta Network utilizes a distributed ledger technology called Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) to record and store all transactions and balances on the network. This DAG-based ledger is publicly available and can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection. The Theta Network also provides an open source blockchain explorer, which allows users to view all transactions and balances on the network in real time.

This explorer provides detailed information about each transaction, including the sender, receiver, amount sent, fees paid, block height, timestamp, and more. Additionally, users can use this explorer to search for specific addresses or transactions by entering their address or transaction ID into the search bar. Finally, users can also use third-party block explorers such as Etherscan or Blockchair to track transactions and balances on the Theta Network.

These third-party explorers provide similar information as the official Theta Network explorer but may have additional features such as charts or graphs that allow users to visualize their data in different ways.

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