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How can I get involved with Theta Network?

Theta Network is an open source blockchain-based protocol that enables decentralized video streaming and delivery.

It is designed to provide a secure, low-cost, and high-performance platform for streaming video content. Theta Network has a wide range of applications, from live streaming to on-demand video delivery. There are several ways to get involved with Theta Network.

1. Become a Node Operator: Node operators are the backbone of the Theta Network and are responsible for validating transactions and maintaining the network’s security. Node operators are rewarded with TFUEL tokens for their efforts.

To become a node operator, you will need to have a computer with at least 8GB of RAM and an internet connection with at least 10 Mbps download speed. You will also need to install the Theta Edge Node software on your computer. 2.

Become a Guardian Node Operator: Guardian nodes are responsible for validating transactions and maintaining the network’s security in addition to providing additional services such as caching, storage, or other services that benefit the network as a whole. Guardian nodes are rewarded with TFUEL tokens for their efforts in addition to other rewards such as exclusive access to content or special privileges within the network. To become a guardian node operator, you will need to have a computer with at least 16GB of RAM and an internet connection with at least 20 Mbps download speed.

You will also need to install the Theta Edge Node software on your computer as well as additional software required by guardian nodes such as caching or storage software. 3. Join the Community: You can join the Theta Network community by participating in discussions on social media platforms such as Twitter or Reddit, attending online events hosted by Theta Network or its partners, or joining one of its many Telegram groups dedicated to different topics related to Theta Network and its ecosystem.

4. Develop Applications: Developers can create applications that leverage Theta Network’s technology stack including its blockchain layer, smart contracts layer, distributed storage layer, and more. Developers can also create applications that integrate with existing services such as Twitch or YouTube in order to leverage their user base and reach new audiences through Theta Network’s decentralized infrastructure.

5. Invest in TFUEL Tokens: You can purchase TFUEL tokens from cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance or Huobi Global in order to support the development of Theta Network’s ecosystem and benefit from potential price appreciation of TFUEL tokens over time due to increased demand for them from users of applications built on top of Theta Network’s technology stack

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