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Are there any risks associated with investing in THETA tokens or running a node on Theta Network?

Yes, there are risks associated with investing in THETA tokens or running a node on Theta Network.

As with any investment, there is the risk of loss due to market volatility and other factors. Additionally, since Theta Network is a relatively new project, there is the risk that the project may not be successful or that the technology may not be adopted as widely as expected. There are also risks associated with running a node on Theta Network.

These include potential technical issues such as hardware failure or software bugs, as well as potential security risks such as malicious actors attempting to attack the network. Additionally, since Theta Network is still in its early stages of development, there is the risk that the network may not be able to handle large amounts of traffic or transactions. Finally, since Theta Network relies on users staking their tokens in order to earn rewards for running nodes, there is also the risk that users may not receive rewards if they do not stake enough tokens or if they do not stake them for long enough periods of time.

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