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How can I get involved in The Sandbox?

The Sandbox is a blockchain-based virtual world platform where players can build, own, and monetize their gaming experiences.

As such, there are many ways to get involved in The Sandbox. First, you can join the community by signing up for the newsletter and following The Sandbox on social media. This will keep you up to date with the latest news and updates from the project.

Second, you can purchase SAND tokens, which are used to purchase land parcels in The Sandbox virtual world. You can also use SAND tokens to purchase items from other players or participate in various activities within the game. Third, you can create content for The Sandbox using VoxEdit, a free 3D modeling software that allows users to create their own 3D assets for use in the game.

You can then monetize your creations by selling them on the Marketplace or participating in contests hosted by The Sandbox team. Finally, you can join The Sandbox’s Creator Program and become an official partner of the project. This program provides creators with access to exclusive resources and support from The Sandbox team as well as promotional opportunities within the game.

By joining the community and participating in any of these activities, you will be able to get involved in The Sandbox and help shape its future!

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