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How can I use SAND tokens in The Sandbox?

SAND tokens are the native cryptocurrency of The Sandbox, a virtual world built on the Ethereum blockchain.

SAND tokens can be used in a variety of ways within The Sandbox, including: 1. Purchasing land and other digital assets: Players can use SAND tokens to purchase land parcels and other digital assets within The Sandbox. These assets can then be used to create unique experiences for players.

2. Staking: Players can stake their SAND tokens to earn rewards from the platform’s virtual economy. This allows players to earn rewards for their contributions to the platform, such as creating content or participating in governance decisions.

3. Trading: Players can also trade their SAND tokens on various exchanges, allowing them to convert their SAND into other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies. 4.

Participating in governance decisions: Players can use their SAND tokens to participate in governance decisions within The Sandbox, such as voting on changes to the platform’s rules and regulations or proposing new features and content for the game world. 5. Supporting creators: Players can also use their SAND tokens to support creators by tipping them for their work or purchasing exclusive content from them directly through The Sandbox marketplace.

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