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Are there any decentralized applications (dApps) running on the Neo blockchain network ?

Yes, there are decentralized applications (dApps) running on the Neo blockchain network.

These dApps are built using Neo's smart contract system, which allows developers to create and deploy applications that can interact with the blockchain in a secure and trustless manner. The most popular dApp on the Neo blockchain is the NEO Name Service (NNS), which is a decentralized domain name service that allows users to register domain names and manage their associated assets. Other popular dApps include NEO Gas Station, a decentralized exchange for trading NEO tokens; Neon Exchange (NEX), a decentralized exchange for trading digital assets; and NEO Tracker, an open source block explorer for tracking transactions on the Neo blockchain.

In addition to these popular dApps, there are also many other projects being built on the Neo blockchain, such as games, prediction markets, identity management systems, and more. The Neo team is actively encouraging developers to build new applications on their platform by providing resources such as tutorials and development tools.

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