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Is there a way to earn GAS from holding my NEO tokens?

Yes, there is a way to earn GAS from holding NEO tokens.

GAS is the native token of the NEO blockchain and is used to pay for transactions and other activities on the network. Holding NEO tokens gives you the right to receive GAS tokens as a reward for supporting the network. The amount of GAS you can earn depends on how many NEO tokens you hold and how long you hold them for.

Every NEO block generates 8 GAS, and each NEO token generates 0.0005 GAS per block. This means that if you hold 1 NEO token, you will generate 0.

0005 GAS per block, or 0.0040 GAS per day (8 blocks x 0.0005).

If you hold 100 NEO tokens, then you will generate 0.40 GAS per day (100 x 0.0005).

The amount of GAS generated also depends on how long you hold your NEO tokens for; if you hold them for longer periods of time, then more GAS will be generated over time due to compounding interest effects. In addition to earning GAS from holding your NEO tokens, there are also other ways to earn rewards such as participating in staking pools or running a node on the network.

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