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What are the fees associated with using Holo?

The fees associated with using Holo depend on the type of transaction being made.

For example, when users are exchanging their Holo fuel for other currencies, they will be charged a 0.2% fee. When users are sending or receiving payments, they will be charged a 0.

1% fee. Additionally, when users are buying or selling Holo fuel on the open market, they will be charged a 0.5% fee.

In addition to these fees, there is also a network fee that is used to pay for the cost of running the network and processing transactions. This fee is set at 0.001 Holo fuel per transaction and is used to pay for the cost of running the network and processing transactions.

Finally, there is also an optional “transaction fee” that can be set by users when sending payments or exchanging currencies on the platform. This fee is paid directly to miners who process transactions on the network and helps to ensure that transactions are processed quickly and securely.

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