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What is the tokenomics of Flow?

Flow is a blockchain-based platform that enables developers to create and monetize their own decentralized applications (dApps).

The Flow tokenomics are designed to incentivize developers, users, and validators to participate in the network. The Flow token (FLOW) is the native asset of the Flow blockchain. It is used for various purposes such as staking, paying transaction fees, and participating in governance decisions.

FLOW tokens are distributed through a variety of methods including mining, staking, airdrops, and more. Mining: Mining rewards are distributed to miners who validate transactions on the network. These rewards are paid out in FLOW tokens.

Staking: Stakers can earn rewards by locking up their FLOW tokens in a smart contract for a set period of time. This helps secure the network and allows stakers to earn rewards for their contribution. Airdrops: Airdrops are used to distribute FLOW tokens to users who hold certain other cryptocurrencies or participate in certain activities on the network.

Governance: FLOW tokens can be used by holders to vote on important decisions related to the development of the platform such as protocol upgrades and feature additions. In addition, Flow has implemented an inflationary model which allows for new tokens to be created over time as demand increases. This helps ensure that there is enough liquidity in the market for users and developers alike while also providing an incentive for people to join the network early on.

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