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What are the use cases for Flow tokens?

Flow tokens are the native cryptocurrency of the Flow blockchain, a decentralized platform for developers to build and deploy decentralized applications (dApps).

The Flow tokens are used to power the network and incentivize users to participate in the network. The primary use case for Flow tokens is to pay for transaction fees on the network. When a user sends a transaction, they must pay a fee in Flow tokens.

This fee is used to reward miners who process transactions and secure the network. In addition, Flow tokens can be used as a form of payment within dApps built on the platform. This allows developers to create their own token economies within their dApps, allowing users to purchase goods and services with Flow tokens.

Finally, Flow tokens can be used as collateral in DeFi protocols built on the platform. This allows users to borrow funds against their holdings of Flow tokens, providing them with access to liquidity without having to sell their holdings.

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