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How does Filecoin work?

Filecoin is a decentralized storage network that uses blockchain technology to store and manage data.

It works by allowing users to rent out their unused hard drive space to the network, and in return they are rewarded with Filecoin tokens. The Filecoin network is powered by a distributed ledger called the blockchain, which records all transactions and stores data securely. This ledger is maintained by miners, who are incentivized to keep the network running smoothly by earning Filecoin tokens for their work.

The Filecoin protocol also includes a consensus mechanism called Proof-of-Replication (PoR), which ensures that data stored on the network is secure and reliable. PoR works by having miners replicate data across multiple nodes in the network, so that if one node fails, the data can still be retrieved from another node. This ensures that no single point of failure exists in the system.

When a user wants to store data on the Filecoin network, they must first create a storage contract with a miner. The miner then stores the data on their hard drive and replicates it across multiple nodes in the network. The user pays for this service with Filecoin tokens, which are transferred from their wallet to the miner’s wallet as payment for their work.

In addition to providing secure storage services, Filecoin also allows users to buy and sell storage space on its marketplace. This allows users to find cheaper storage solutions or even make money by renting out their unused hard drive space.

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