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What types of tools and resources are available for developers who want to build applications on top of the platform’s blockchain infrastructure ?

Algorand provides developers with a range of tools and resources to help them build applications on top of its blockchain infrastructure.

These include: 1. Algorand SDKs: Algorand provides developers with a suite of SDKs (Software Development Kits) for building applications on the platform. These SDKs are available in multiple languages, including Java, JavaScript, Python, and Go.

The SDKs provide developers with access to the Algorand blockchain and allow them to create transactions, query the ledger, and interact with smart contracts. 2. Algorand Developer Portal: The Algorand Developer Portal is a comprehensive resource for developers looking to build applications on the platform.

It includes tutorials, documentation, sample code, and other resources to help developers get started quickly. 3. Algorand DevNet: The DevNet is a testnet that allows developers to experiment with their applications without risking real funds or affecting the mainnet.

It also allows developers to test their applications in an environment that closely resembles the mainnet before deploying them live. 4. AlgoExplorer: AlgoExplorer is an open-source block explorer for the Algorand blockchain that allows users to view transactions and other data on the network in real-time.

It also provides an API for developers who want to build their own tools or services on top of it.

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