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Who are the founders of Algorand?

The founders of Algorand are Silvio Micali, a Turing Award-winning professor at MIT, and Yossi Gilad, a professor at Tel Aviv University.

Silvio Micali is an Italian computer scientist and cryptographer who has made significant contributions to cryptography, distributed computing, and computer security. He is the inventor of the zero-knowledge proof system known as "Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Knowledge" (ZK-PoK). Yossi Gilad is an Israeli computer scientist and cryptographer who has made significant contributions to cryptography, distributed computing, and computer security.

He is the inventor of the zero-knowledge proof system known as "Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Knowledge" (ZK-PoK). Together they founded Algorand in 2017 with the goal of creating a secure, scalable blockchain platform that would enable developers to build decentralized applications. The Algorand platform utilizes a unique consensus algorithm called Pure Proof of Stake (PPoS) which allows for fast transaction times and low transaction fees.

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