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What are some of the key milestones that have been achieved so far and what goals has been set out for future development ?

Some of the key milestones that have been achieved so far by the Zcash project include: 1.

The launch of the Zcash mainnet in October 2016, which enabled users to securely and privately send and receive payments using the Zcash cryptocurrency. 2. The launch of the Zcash Sapling upgrade in October 2018, which enabled improved performance and scalability for shielded transactions.

3. The launch of the Zcash Overwinter upgrade in June 2018, which enabled replay protection for transactions and improved network stability. 4.

The launch of the Zcash Blossom upgrade in July 2019, which enabled increased privacy for shielded transactions and improved network performance. 5. The launch of the Zcash Heartwood upgrade in December 2019, which enabled improved privacy for shielded transactions and increased network stability.

Looking ahead, some of the goals that have been set out for future development include: 1. Further improvements to privacy and scalability for shielded transactions with upcoming upgrades such as Canopy and NU4. 2.

Integration with other blockchain networks such as Ethereum to enable cross-chain interoperability between different blockchains. 3. Development of new features such as zk-SNARKs-based smart contracts to enable more complex applications on top of the Zcash blockchain network.

4. Expansion into new markets with strategic partnerships with companies such as Coinbase to increase adoption of Zcash worldwide.

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